Department of Art and Design Study Abroad


Department of Art and Design Study Abroad

Study Abroad Opportunities

TROY is a leader in distance education and international education. With locations in multiple countries around the world, it stands to reason that TROY would lead in this area. The University-at-large offers a growing number of study abroad opportunities for students and faculty. These opportunities can be learned about through the and through various Departments throughout the University.


The Department of Art and Design along with the College of Communication and Fine Arts offers unique travel opportunities emphasizing communication and the arts. Over the past several years, Art and Design has sponsored or co-sponsored study abroad initiatives to Kenya, Tanzania, England, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy and more. These international experiences are far more than extensive field trips: they are life-changing. By clicking on the links in the right sidebar, you can discover more about study abroad opportunities that are engaged by the Department of Art and Design.


The Department of Art and Design also has established a Departmental Study Abroad Scholarship Fund. For more information in regards to applying for study abroad assistance as an art/design major, please contact the Departmental Office.


Study Abroad - Sweden/Denmark


Since 2004, TROY and Halmstad University of Sweden have enjoyed a maturing partnership in design education. Students from Halmstad have come to TROY to study art and design as well as other subject areas. In turn, TROY students have studied multimedia design and Scandinavian culture by attending school in Halmstad.


This partnership has opened the door to many exciting possibilities to cooperate with other disciplines as well as other countries. iC3 has been instrumental in setting up both short-term and long-term collaborations for academic and cultural purposes.


For more information about study opportunities in both Denmark and Sweden, please contact the Office of the Department of Art and Design.




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