Publications and Student Organizations | ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé


Publications and Student Organizations

Alabama Literary Review

The Alabama Literary Review (ALR) is a state-sponsored literary journal publishing regional and national writers and is generously supported by ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé and the ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé Foundation. Published once a year, the ALR is offered as a free service to all Alabama libraries as well as to two- and four-year institutions of higher learning in the state of Alabama.

To learn more and to read electronic full text of the journal, go to the .

The Rubicon

The Rubicon is a student literary journal published by the English Department of ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé in collaboration with the Department of Art and Design on the ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé campus. The journal is run by students, and it publishes original works by ÎÞÂë¾ÞÈé students.

To learn more and to read electronic full text of the journal, go to the .


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